Saturday, October 3, 2009

I'm Afraid the Grass is not Greener

I started reading Coders At Work, and wow, it's rare that you run across a book about programming that's a page-turner, but this is it. I'm not very far into it, but a quote from Brad Fitzpatrick (LiveJournal, memcached, PerlBal) caught my attention. The context is he is bemoaning how it seems like computers are worse than they were ten years ago, that they feel slower even though under the hood they are faster, etc. Then this question and answer comes up:

Seibel: So maybe things are not as fast as they ought to be given the speed of computers. But ten years ago there was no way to do what people,as users, can do today with Google.

Fitzpatrick: Yeah. So some people are writing efficient code and making use of it. I don't play any games, but occasionally I'll see someone playing something and I'm like, "Holy shit, that's possible?" It just blows me away. Obviously, some people are doing it right.

We are? The funny thing is, I'm not sure a lot of game programmers would feel that we are doing things right. We work with imperfect middleware and engines, with hacks upon hacks piled upon them, all until the game we are working on is no longer broken and actually fun to play. We have code in our games we would describe as "shit" or "crap" or "I can't believe we shipped with that." When I was just starting out, I thought maybe it was just the games I was working on that had this problem, but any time you talk to anyone at other companies, it is the same story -- from the most successful games to the smallest ones, we can all list a huge litany of problems in the code bases in which we work or have written.

It's interesting reading this book because at least the first two programmers I've read are in totally different worlds than game development. Not better or worse, just different. The problems and constraints they have are somewhat alien to me.

I've often heard game developers say things like "game development is five to ten years behind the state of the art in 'straight' programming", referring to process or my least favorite term, "software engineering." I may have even said it myself.

The game industry often does a lot of navel gazing (like this entry!). We are constantly comparing ourselves to movies, theme parks, or how the rest of programmers work. Maybe we've got it all wrong. Maybe all along we've been figuring out how programming for games needs to work. If the world that Brad Fitzpatrick lives in feels alien to me and vice versa, then why would we ever think that the processes or techniques that work in one are automatically going to work for the other?

Food for thought.

1 comment:

  1. I work on in house software on a daily basis and program games in my spare time.
    Some of the things "normal" programmers do just baffles me with regards to efficiency, it seems that some of them think there's a load of hardware beneath this and it's only running this process so who cares if it's efficient...

    I've also noticed that in house software people tend to stick to conventions or practices, even if it means more work.

    So I think maybe both industries could learn off each other.
